2023 Summit

North Carolina Water and Equity

Thursday, January 12, 2023 at NC Biotech Center
In-person/virtual participation (see respective agendas and Zoom intel below)

North Carolina Water and Equity:
Addressing water infrastructure needs and funding in disadvantaged areas

The North Carolina General Assembly appropriated close to $2 billion from the state’s share of the American Rescue Plan Act for drinking water, wastewater and stormwater investments. In addition, the federal Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act will provide over $1 billion in funding for North Carolina to supplement existing State Revolving Fund programs. There are focused efforts to ensure that funding is made available to address the needs of disadvantaged, underserved communities. Stakeholders include community members, local, state and federal government, and technical service providers.

Convene a one-day summit involving appropriate stakeholders, thought leaders and experts across North Carolina (state/federal/local government, academia/research, community groups, business) to:

  • Learn about priorities and concerns of a) communities and b) local governments on projects regarding providing service in disadvantaged areas (as pertains to funding and infrastructure).
  • Develop resource documents and peer-to-peer networks to educate communities and local governments on next steps or considerations if interested in pursuing a project to provide service in disadvantaged areas.
  • Provide guidance to NCDEQ in identifying where such projects are needed to communicate funding opportunities to communities and to local governments.

8-9 am

9-10:15 am
Summit Overview from David Hinton, Duke University (retired)

NC Department of Environmental Quality updates from Shadi Eskaf

Moderated Community Panel Discussion (local government, citizens, others)
Lethia R. Lee, Sampson County Commissioner (District 4)
Ed Gillim, Ivanhoe Community Member
Mary Tiger, Strategic Initiatives Manager, Orange Water and Sewer Authority
1 or 2 more speakers being finalized


3 concurrent breakouts (community members, local government, stakeholders/state funding agencies)

Breakout groups report backs to all attendees

Lunch (provided by The Collaborative)

3 concurrent breakouts (mixed participation)


Final report backs to all attendees



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Passcode: 160201
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9-10:15 am
Summit Overview from David Hinton, Duke University (retired)

NC Department of Environmental Quality updates from Shadi Eskaf

Moderated Community Panel Discussion (local government, citizens, others)
Lethia R. Lee, Sampson County Commissioner (District 4)
Ed Gillim, Ivanhoe Community Member
Mary Tiger, Strategic Initiatives Manager, Orange Water and Sewer Authority
1 or 2 more speakers being finalized


Breakouts (randomly assigned to different rooms for facilitated discussion and zoom chat). We will capture all the comments and perspectives to incorporate into the final report.

In-Person breakout groups report backs to all attendees

Final In-Person report backs to all attendees

Martin Armes, 919-608-7260, [email protected]