Key Activities
* Invited by Congressional Committee to provide comment on pharmaceuticals contaminants in water
* Assisted with potential development of North Carolina Nano Trade Association
* Special section in North Carolina Medical Journal following healthcare summit
* NC Mining and Energy Commission members used shale gas work product to help develop proposed rules and regulations
Presentations of Note
* American Public Health Association
* North Carolina Public Health Association
* Clean Air North Carolina Conference
* Citizen Science Association Conference
* The News & Observer editorial board regarding climate change report
* Environmental Health Perspectives
* North Carolina Medical Journal
* International Journal of COPD
Notable Synergies
* Expertise and perspectives summoned from many departments/schools/branches/committees of EPA, NIEHS, NC Division of Public Health, NC Department of Environmental Quality, Duke, East Carolina, NC State and UNC Chapel Hill
* Utilized student participation and assistance from Duke, East Carolina, NC State and UNC Chapel Hill
* Engaged local and county health department officials across North Carolina along with various public interest groups and industries
* Broad-based attendance from across the country and select international perspectives
* Provides an opportunity for leaders in the field of environmental health research in the Research Triangle Part of North Carolina to interact and collaborate
* Each Summit attracted around 100 participants annually and generates a final report of recommendations widely distributed including on our web site